We are looking for social networking experts and Report-It Teams from around the world.
InformUs encourages the public -- alongside educators, professional librarians and staff, and journalists -- to report, track and map censorship and associated threats to information freedom. InformUS is a platform for data aggregation, academic research, public policy formation and news analysis for areas that include: banned and challenged books and other materials; over-filtering on computers and networks; threats to privacy and confidentiality for adults and minors; legislative, executive, judicial and other government actions; professional/academic freedom issues; censorship in prison libraries and learning environments. We also encourage anonymous reporting on "self-censorship" experiences, including social and work-place pressures to censor.
Visit our map and database to report anonymously by clicking on the (see below), where you will find color-coded reporting forms for world-wide mapping: 1) Rapid Report-It (short form); 2) Banned or Challenged Materials Form; 3) Privacy/Surveillance Form; 4) Government Actions -- Legis/Exec/Judicial Form; 5) Overfiltering/Internet Occurrences Form; 6) Prison Censorship Form; 7) Professional/Academic Freedom Form; 8) Other Form, covering: self-censorship, word or phrase censorship, intimidation, hate crimes, forced or voluntary use of trigger warning in classrooms, etc.